Message from President Davenport, March 20, 2020
Good afternoon,
Earlier this week you received a message from me instructing everyone that individuals who could telework should prepare to do so by Friday, March 20, in an effort to protect the health and safety of our campus community. Obviously, this action causes a major disruption to our normal business operations. I am proud of the proactive response by many offices to respond to these disruptions and provide alternative modes of completing our necessary work.
I am also pleased that despite the upheaval in your workdays, you have remained committed to serving our students. This has been a particularly difficult time for them, with everything from how they learn to where they live, work and eat changing on a daily basis. I ask that you continue to keep their needs in mind as you adjust to working remotely or with limited operations.
My message today contains many “need-to-know” details about our campus operations during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Building Closures:
To protect the safety and well-being of staff who need to remain on campus or intermittently access their offices, all university buildings will be closed to the public and locked at the end of the business day today, Friday, March 20.
Exterior door access is available to employees with your Mav Card at the designated electronic door. Please call University Security at 507-389-2111 for assistance.
This closure does not apply to the Library, University Dining Center, or Residential Life buildings, which will remain open to provide services to students.
Business Services Operations:
The majority of the Business Services Office staff will be telecommuting to various degrees. With this mind, please review the attached instructions for completing and submitting forms and supporting materials to the Business Services Office. If you have questions regarding this document, please contact Steve Smith at or Rick Straka at
Parking and Bus Operations:
Please see the attached memo from David Cowan regarding parking and bus operations.
Mail and Delivery Services:
Mail and Delivery services, including Fed Ex, UPS, and other packages will continue at this time. Please contact Tammy Trcka at or 389-2173 if you have questions about any changes to your department’s mail delivery location.
Please update your contact information in StarAlert so you are receiving important Minnesota State University, Mankato campus, and Minnesota State system messages. Access to StarAlert can be found here:
MMB Self Service:
Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) would like all state employees to update the following My Personal Information components in Self Service as soon as possible.
1. Add or update your personal information summary so we can reach you during an emergency. This includes your address, phone numbers, and email. Indicate your preferred mode of contact.
2. Complete or update the pandemic availability question to indicate if you are able or unable to work during a pandemic event based on specific criteria.
3. Complete or update your skills profile with your license and certificate information. Identify any license or certificate information you have, even if not associated or required for your current position. We may use this information if needed to quickly find employees with the necessary skills to assist in maintaining critical services to Minnesotans.
For help, go to the My Personal Information section of Self Service and select Instructions. Pertinent help is on pages 15-17.
Contact your supervisor or human resources office. Continue to check and the Minnesota Department of Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) website often for the latest information.
Thank you for your attention to these matters. As always, stay home if you are sick, cover your cough, and wash your hands regularly.
Richard Davenport