Message from Provost Cecil, Mar. 11 , 2020
Faculty and staff,
We continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely. Many of you have asked about moving courses online. Universities across the U.S. and internationally have begun to make that transition.
While no decision has been made to transition to online instruction here, it is prudent for everyone to be prepared should that become necessary. We are asking that you begin planning for that possibility.
It is important to acknowledge as we plan that everyone understands moving in-person courses online is neither simple nor ideal. This is an unprecedented situation. The fact is that if we must forego in-person classes, this is the best we can do for our students as we deal with a serious public health crisis.
With that in mind, a team from the Office of the Provost, CETL, and IT Solutions have created this web site:
There you will find basic resources that can help you plan for the possibility of moving your in-person course online. You will also find links and contact information for people who can help you plan for this possible transition. We are also taking steps to assure that, should a transition occur, all of our students can access online classes.
Support staff and the administration stand ready to assist as you consider how you might move your classes online. Let’s work together to help our students through this situation.
If you have questions, comments, concerns, or ideas to share, please contact me at
Thank you for all you do for our students and our university.
Kind regards,