Message to Students, March 27, 2020

Dear Students:

Our extended Spring Break ends this weekend and classes resume online or in alternative delivery format on Monday, March 30. I know this is not how any of you expected this semester to go, and it is certainly not what I expected either! I would much rather see you in person on campus this week instead of interacting with you virtually. Please know that even though many of you are not here with us physically, we care deeply about each of you and want you to be successful this semester and into the future.

Since remote teaching and learning is a change for many of us, this message contains information on the various resources we have put in place to help you succeed.

  • Get Started With Online Learning: Download the quick guide to student tech resources for learning online. For an extensive and continually growing list of all student resources, visit the  Keep Learning website.
  • Stay Informed: Please check your MavMail account regularly as that is our official way of communicating important information with you. All of our announcements are also posted on the University Coronavirus webpage.
  • Student Advising and Course Registration: University Advising is available to answer any questions you have about advising or course registration for summer and fall semester. Learn more here, or contact them at Please also update your contact information in E-Services so we are able to connect with you!
  • Student Worker Information: State and federal legislation provides for student worker compensation during the COVID-19 situation. Please contact your student worker supervisor or visit the Student Payroll webpage to learn more.
  • Refunds: Students seeking refunds for residential life housing, dining services, or parking permits, please be patient with us as we work through these decisions and implementation. Further information will be shared as it becomes available and will be posted on our Coronavirus webpage.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we all work together to figure out how to move ahead in our new reality. Even if we are not together on campus, we are all still part of the #MavFam! Our faculty and staff are all working in unison to help you complete the semester successfully. Please contact your faculty, college dean or the Office of the Provost with any concerns or needs.

I wish you well with the rest of your spring semester—and I look forward to seeing many of you again next fall as well.

Go Mavs!

Richard Davenport