VaxTrack Message to Employees, Sept. 3, 2021
- Employee Attestation How To
- Testing Consent Form How To
- Work Authorization File Submission How To
- Vaccine Policy FAQ
Dear Mavericks,
Starting Sept. 8, the Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) COVID-19 Proof of Vaccine and Testing policy goes into effect. This policy states all state employees who are assigned to work at a workplace or otherwise provide agency services outside their home are required to either provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination or proof of weekly testing. Today’s message provides instructions on how Minnesota State University, Mankato is operationalizing this new policy. We strongly encourage you to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
The Minnesota State system has developed a systemwide proof of vaccine and proof of testing management tool that will allow you to provide your proof of vaccination or weekly testing results. The instructions for using this tool are attached to this message, and also in this video. Also attached to this message is the Minnesota State policy FAQ.
Accessing the Tool
You may access the VaxTrak tool using your StarID and password. Link to VaxTrak:
Once logged in, you will either complete an attestation form and provide proof of vaccination, or if you indicate you have not been vaccinated you will be asked to complete the Testing Consent Form. You will be scheduled for weekly testing by Human Resources which will provide instructions for you.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is outlined on page three of the MMB policy. If you lost your vaccination card or don’t have a copy, contact your vaccination provider directly to access your record, or alternatively you can get a copy through the state health department’s immunization information system (IIS) through the CDC website. Vaccination providers are required to report COVID-19 vaccinations to their state’s IIS.
Weekly Testing Process
You only need to sign the Testing Consent Form once; it will apply during the entire time that mandatory testing under HR/LR Policy # 1446 is in effect. If you wish to rescind your consent after signing the form, you must do so in writing and submit it to Human Resources at
We are currently in the process of identifying ongoing weekly testing options and discussing a variety of options with local providers. Details about the testing protocol will be shared once they are finalized early next week.
Testing will occur during work hours and be considered work time. Once you have tested, you are permitted to come to work while you are waiting for your results. Some tests can take up to 72 hours to receive results.
What if I receive a positive COVID-19 test result?
If you receive a positive COVID-19 test result, you must go home or stay home, and follow the current Minnesota Department of Health guidelines. You also must promptly call the Campus Reporting Hotline at (507) 389-2030 and report your absence to your supervisor. Your supervisor will determine if your duties temporarily can be performed through telework. If they cannot, you must take leave. You may contact HR to determine what type of leave you may be eligible to use.
If you have questions, please contact HR or your supervisor, or visit the Frequently Asked Questions page of the Coronavirus and the Campus Community website. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our colleagues, workplaces and students safe.
Edward S. Inch