Face Mask Requirement Message to Students, June 10, 2020
Dear Students:
As we prepare to welcome you back to campus this fall, we wanted you to know that, in order to help keep the campus community safe, there will be a new requirement for face masks, based on guidance from Gov. Walz’s Executive Order 20-74 and recommendations from the CDC, which states:
CDC Guide - Cloth Face Coverings - Require use of cloth face coverings among students, faculty, and staff. Face coverings shall be worn as feasible and are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult. Individuals should be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently. Information shall be provided to all students, faculty, and staff on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.
The requirement to wear a face mask applies to anyone on campus, or at any of our additional locations, including but not limited to students, staff, faculty, contractors, vendors, suppliers and visitors, includes the following protocol:
- Anyone entering a campus building,including a residence hall, must wear a face mask.
- Masks must be worn in all hallways, classrooms, public spaces and common areas, as well as office spaces, if social distancing of six feet is not possible. (When in a dorm room, the wearing of a mask is not required.)
- Face masks are also required in outdoor settings, if safe social distancing and gathering practices are not possible.
- Individuals may supply their own face masks—but the University will be providing a cloth mask to all students, faculty and staff.
More details about Return to Learn COVID-19 preparedness expectations and special circumstances will available in the coming weeks.
I will continue to send you email updates so you know how the University is preparing for fall and you can find more information about the Return to Learn initiative by visiting www.mnsu.edu/returntolearn.
I look forward to seeing you again in August!
Richard Davenport,