Housing Update, June 8, 2020
Hello from Mankato! We are excited to have you join us this fall.
While the Fall Semester will involve a number of changes in support of health and safety, we intend to provide on-campus students with a great residential living experience. Below are updates you may find helpful.
Room Selection/Assignments
- Students who applied by March 1st will be emailed Room Selection timeslots throughout the day tomorrow. Timeslots will open beginning June 22nd.
- Students who applied after March 1st will be assigned a room beginning mid-July. You can expect an email when you have been assigned to a room.
- Learning Community students will receive room assignments on a rolling basis starting this week. Learning Community students who are unable to live on Learning Community floors may still participate in their LC.
Early Drop-off of Belongings
To support social distancing, students will sign up to drop off their belongings in their residence hall room in the weeks prior to residence hall opening. More info to be provided.
Housing Application Cancellation Deadline
We are extending our cancellation deadline to July 20.
Health & Safety Practices
To support the health & safety of the University community, the University will issue behavioral expectations to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. These expectations are being developed in conjunction with guidance from the CDC and the MN Department of Health and are expected to include the following:
- Wearing face masks in public spaces
- Social distancing
- Limiting occupancy of public spaces
- Limiting guests in residence hall rooms
- Frequent hand-washing
- Daily individual health screening
More information will be provided when this set of expectations is finalized.
Department of Residential Life | Minnesota State University, Mankato | (507) 389-1011 | reslife@mnsu.edu | www.mnsu.edu/reslife