Message from President Davenport, March 17, 2020

Dear Faculty and Staff,

This afternoon we received new guidance from the System Office indicating that until further notice, all colleges and universities and the system office are directed to take immediate action to implement telework for all employees unless work responsibilities require an employee to be physically present on site. By Friday, March 20, 2020, any employee who can work from a remote location will be required to do so. I have attached the Chancellor’s Memo on the topic for your review.

I have called an emergency Cabinet meeting tomorrow afternoon to discuss the details of the telework plan for Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Please know, our campus leadership has already been working on telework planning and many of our offices are prepared for this change with some beginning telework tomorrow. All employees who have not yet planned for telework should stand by for more information and speak to their supervisors.

We will provide more information as soon as we can. In the meantime, please let me thank all of you for everything you are doing to help our students through this crisis. I could not be prouder of our campus community. Our university is a special place and please know that I appreciate you and all that you do.


Richard Davenport

Memo to Leadership Council from Chancellor Malhotra