Message to Students from VP Jones, March 15, 2020

Dear Minnesota State Mankato Students,

Effective immediately:

All travelers that are returning from a Level 3 country must stay home for 14 days after returning from travel, monitor their health, and practice social distancing.  The full guidance from the CDC is located at

Travelers returning from other countries or from domestic travel need to monitor their health and limit interactions with others for 14 days after returning from travel.  Travelers that are sick with fever, cough, or have trouble breathing should stay home and call ahead before seeking medical care.  The full guidance from the CDC is located at

If you are a faculty or staff member who needs to self-quarantined or stay home to monitor your health after traveling, please notify the Office of the Provost,

If you are a student who needs to self-quarantine, stay home to monitor your health, or needs accommodations to self-quarantine, please notify Student Affairs,

If you have questions regarding exposure as a result of travel, Minnesota Department of Health asks you to call 651-201-5414 or 877-676-5414 for guidance.

Please visit the campus Coronavirus web site at for the latest updates or to post your questions.


David P. Jones, Ph.D.