Reminder of Town Hall and Update on Spring Break 2021, Oct. 21, 2020
Good afternoon, Faculty and Staff,
Many questions have arisen about how we will handle Spring Break 2021 and I am writing today to share my decision with you. Over the past few weeks, the President’s Cabinet has engaged the campus community for input on various scenarios for modifying our traditional spring break or leaving it in place as is currently scheduled. We also reviewed Minnesota Department of Health guidance and interacted with our system peers and colleagues.
Thank you to our faculty and staff who provided their input to the bargaining unit leaders or administration directly. Additionally, our student government brought up this topic at a recent senate meeting and voted on their preferred approach. After hearing the collective feedback, and absent any clear public health guidance from MDH to the contrary, I have determined that we will not make any changes to our Spring 2021 schedule. We will start classes on January 11 as scheduled, recharge over Spring Break from March 8 to 12 and complete our semester on May 7.
In order to make this plan work, it is imperative that people continue to do everything they can to stay safe. Wear your face coverings. Adhere to social distancing guidelines. And most importantly, avoid situations, including Spring Break travel, where others are not being safe.
We will continue to be prepared, of course, to adapt to whatever comes our way during the Spring semester. If circumstances create a need to revisit this decision, we will communicate with you promptly about any changes.
I am proud of the way our Maverick community has responded to this ongoing crisis. Right now, our infection rates remain very low and it is clear that everyone is being responsible and taking appropriate precautions. I know many people are experiencing “pandemic fatigue”—but we cannot let up. As the weather turns colder and we are indoors more, it becomes even more important to be careful. Please seek medical evaluation if you are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, and let us know if you test positive so we can support you and keep our Maverick family safe.
As always, thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about this Spring Break decision, please email Interim Provost Cecil at
In closing, I would encourage you to join our Virtual Town Halls tomorrow, Thursday, October 22 to interact with the President’s Cabinet on any questions or concerns you may have. Registration for the town hall can be found here:
- Staff Town Hall: 9 – 10 a.m.
- Faculty Town Hall: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Please continue to be safe and well.
Richard Davenport