Please complete the online Return to Learn Preparedness Training as soon as possible. The training reviews the best ways to protect yourself and others from the COVID-19 virus.
Detailed information about the 3M disinfectant spray that was included in the supplies delivered to all departments is now available on the Return to Learn website. Please note that the spray was diluted before being distributed and is safe to use. To be most effective, the spray should be left on surfaces for five minutes before being wiped up.
Please remember to use the required self-screening toolbefore coming to campus each day. The assessment does not need to be completed if you are working remotely or will not be on campus.
If you have not yet received your two branded cloth face masks, please stop by the Registrar’s Office on the first floor of Wigley Administrative Building to pick them up.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to help welcome new students to the University at the virtual New Student Rally on Friday Aug. 21 at 10:30 a.m. The rally will be live streamed on the Minnesota State University, Mankato Facebook page at
All employees are encouraged to regularly check the Return to Learn Website to keep up with important updated information regarding safety measures, employee return to work expectations, Fall 2020 Semester schedule changes, FlexSync resources and COVID-19 Notification Procedures.
Please check your MavCard to make sure it hasn’t expired—a valid MavCard is required to enter locked buildings. To renew an expired card, visit the MavCard website or stop in to the office next to the Campus Hub in the Centennial Student Union.