Brooke Burk, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Director
PhD | Associate Professor
Ph.D., Recreation, Sport and Tourism; University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 2011
M.A., Leisure, Youth and Human Services; University of Northern Iowa, 2008
B.A., Psychology; University of Iowa, 2006
Leisure Planning and Management
Primary Courses Taught
Program Planning
Public Relations
Commercial Recreation
Advance Program Delivery Methods
Selected Presentations
Abbott-Anderson, K., Chiou, H.S., & Burk, B.N. (2019). Spring EngAGEment: An Inter-Professional Collaboration to Enhance Community Interaction and University Education. Perspectives of ASHA Special Interest Groups.
Burk, B.N, Sharaievska, I., Fuller, R. H. & Montandon, K. (2016). Teens & cyberbullying: Promoting the internet as a safe place. Presented October 2016 at the National Recreation and Park Association Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Burk, B.N. Fuller, R. & Montandon, K. (2015, October). Preventing Bullying in Your Parks and Programs. Presented at the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Mankato, MN.
Burk, B.N. & Sharaievska, I. (2015, February). Examining the health and recreation needs of adults with developmental disabilities. To be presented at the Active Living Research Conference, San Diego, CA.
Ceurvorst, R. & Burk, B.N. (2015, October). Playing Nice: Experiential Learning and Assessment Go Hand-in-Hand. Presented at the Association for Experiential Education Conference. Portland, OE.
Herrick, E., Burk, B.N. Bissonnette, D., Peterson, E. J., & Gonzalez, E. (2017). Identifying ecological and personal factors that prevent obese individuals from effectively losing weight. Presented April 2017 at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Mankato, MN.
Koeneke, A., Spicer, B., Hauge, G., Stasi, L., Trench, R., & Burk, B.N. (2017). Having a ball: The impact of recreation on literacy interventions. Presented at the Minnesota Speech and Hearing Association Conference. Mankato, MN.
Montandon, K. & Burk, B.N. (2015, October). Creating University-Agency Partnerships. Presented at the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Mankato, MN.
Sharaievska, I. & Burk, B.N. (2015, September). Online/Offline Support: Discussions of Leisure among Families with Children with Disabilities. Presented at the National Recreation and Park Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Mahowald, M., Burk, B.N., Vruwink, O. & Krenik, E. (2018, November). Camp Maverick: Rec N’ Read. An interprofessional collaboration to improve literacy and well-being among youth. Presented at American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
Barr, C., DeBettingnies, C., Burk, B., & Mahowald, M. (2019, April). Impact of recreation duration and type of literacy outcomes. Presented at Minnesota Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Bloomington, MN.
Ganley, E., Mahowald, M., & Burk, B. (2019, April). Longitudinal case study of literacy outcomes for two elementary aged children. Presented at Minnesota Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Bloomington, MN.
Moenkedick, S., Voight, S., Zellmann, K., McCarthy, M., Mahowald, M., & Burk, B. (2019, April). Exploring parent perceptions of services for children with literacy disorders. Presented at Minnesota Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Bloomington, MN.
Mueller, M., Haglin, K., Mahowald, M., & Burk, B. (2019, April). Exploring how recreation impacts behavior and outcomes of literacy intervention. Presented at Minnesota Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Bloomington, MN.
Selected Publications
Burk, B.N.(2015). Black girls’ perceptions of health and ideal body types. Journal of Gender Studies. 24 (5), 496-511.
Burk, B.N. DiRenzo, A., & Fuller, R.H. (2019). Examining bullying in leisure settings: The voices of parents and youth. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration.
Burk, B.N., & Sharaievska, I. (2018). Examining the health and recreation interests of adults with developmental disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal.
Burk, B.N.,Shinew, K.J. (2013). Factors that impact African American girls’ participation in health-promoting leisure activities. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 31 (1), 1-14.
Burk, B.N., Shinew, K. J., & Son, J. S. (2015). Social problems that limit participation in recreation activities among rural residents. Leisure/Loisir, 39(3-4), 361-381.
Burk, B.N.,Shinew, K.J., & Stodolska, M. (2011). Determinants of physical activity among Latinos visitors to outdoor recreation areas. Leisure/Loisir, 35 (3), 325-338.
Liu, H. L., Bradley, M. J., & Burk, B.N., (2016). I am roller derby: the serious leisure and leisure identity of roller derby participants. World Leisure Journal, 58(1), 28-43.
Olsen, H. & Burk, B.N., S(2014). Using reflection to assess students’ ability to learn and develop leadership skills. Schole.
Olsen, H. & Burk, B.N., . (2017). The Role of Supervision in Youth Work: Perceptions of Students Preparing to be Youth Workers. Journal of Youth Development, 12 (2), 84-102.
Sharaievska, I., & Burk, B.N., (2018). Recreation in Families with Children with Developmental Disabilities: Caregivers’ Use of Online and Offline Support Groups. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 52(1).
Van Puymbroeck, M., Burk, B.N., ., Shinew, K.J., Kuhlenschmidt, M.C. & Schmid, A.A. (2013) Perceived health benefits from yoga among breast cancer survivors. American Journal of Health Promotion, 27 (5), 308-315.