FAQ: Teaching with Multimodal

a book on a laptop

Browse the Frequently Asked Questions for recommendations on teaching with the Multimodal model.

There are many ways you can assist your students to be successful learners, here we share some resources.

There a many options available for Student Technology Help & Support.

There a many options available for Student Technology Help & Support:

This is a quick guide to some options for the tools available to you as you move your course to an online or alternative format.

The list below may assist you with the transition from face-to-face to online.

You don't need to attempt all of these options, use tools and methods that work for you, your students, and support the learning goals of the course.




Tech Tool

Synchronous or Asynchronous?

Share updates, changes, and other important information

D2L Announcements


Communicate information and allow students to respond at any time



Share information in real time, have live discussions, hold remote office hours



Have a written discussion or written peer review, with text, photos, videos

D2L Discussions, Make/share videos: MediaSpace





Tech Tool

Synchronous or Asynchronous?

Give live lectures



Record a lecture for viewing at any time

MediaSpace or Zoom


Share my syllabus and/or Word, Excel, or other files


D2L Content





Tech Tool

Synchronous or Asynchronous?

Collect student papers online

D2L Assignments


Give a quiz (exam)

D2L Quizzes, MediaSpace Video Quiz


Provide feedback on student work

D2L Assignments; D2L Rubrics



There are various tools you can use to give exams.

We recommend utilizing the Quizzes tool of D2L for all exams and offering them asynchronously.

Communicate early with students about the technology requirements of the course such as webcams, microphones, etc... 

Share Student Technology Tools and Resources for Online Learning with your students and put technology requirements in your syllabus.

Another strategy you might consider is to survey your students.

Survey Your Students

We recommend that faculty survey their students about their access to technology and to do your best to design courses that work within students' technology limitations.

If you want a sample survey, Lauren Cagel at the University of Kentucky has shared her's online.

There are two ways students can access specialized software at a distance at no cost to them.

Students can access various specialized software through MavAPPS.

MavLABS provides students a way to log in and access specialized campus laboratory computers at a distance.

There are a variety of applications that students may have access to on their phones.

The Microsoft OneDrive app on mobile devices and tablets allows students to create PDF files that are uploaded directly to their campus OneDrive files. They can then upload those files directly from OneDrive into D2L Brightspace Assignments, Discussions.

These other apps also allow students to scan their work into searchable PDF files: Adobe Scan and Microsoft Lens