How Students Learn

Tuesday, December 15, 2020
10:10 AM - 10:40 AM

After this session, learners will be able to: 

  • Describe the process of how people learn 
  • Comprehend human-centered learning design 
  • Identify ways to make learning meaningful to students 
  • Identify ways to use Bloom’s Taxonomy to scaffold learning and build meaning 
  • Discuss ideas for how to implement human-centered learning into your module 



  • If you are not already familiar with Bloom’s Taxonomy, please read through this informational resource.  
  • Know about Bloom’s Taxonomy, but aren’t sure how to implement it? Read this or watch this.
  • Information about Designing for Human-Centered Learning.
  • The New Humanism: Technology should enhance, not replace, human interactions.
  • Watch Dr. Karla Lassonde’s Frontier Forum presentation on the LEARN process (Listen, Elaborate, Associate, Retrieve, Night) and how this can help students learn more effectively.


Kristie Campana & Fei Yuan and

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