Activate Your Virtual Class

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
1:45 PM - 2:15 PM

As I was preparing this outline, we were moving from having the option of online teaching to online-only teaching. This involuntary move to all virtual teaching is overwhelming and the challenge is how to swiftly adopt and continue to offer high-quality teaching that fosters student learning. While teaching in virtual environments there is a need to leverage the technological support system provided by the University to keep our students engaged and motivated.  

This session focuses on some of the active learning principles such as case-based learning, problem-solving, peer instruction, teamwork, project-based learning, in-class research, etc. in virtual environments such as Synchronous Online classes offered via Zoom and FlexSync classes. We will further discuss how to assess the effectiveness of active learning. 

Passcode: 921809


Rama Mohapatra

Event Type

Join Session