Digital World/Digital Classrooms: Building a Inclusive Antiracist Community for Students

Tuesday, September 27, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Facilitated by Dr. Maria-Renee Grigsby and Dr. Elizabeth Harsma

In this two-part workshop, participants will engage in self-reflection and discussion of race, cultural frames of reference, inclusive teaching practices, and bias in a way that deepens understanding of their own frames of reference, potential bias in these frames, and the impact of bias on expectations for and relationships with students. Part 1 focuses on self-reflection, and Part 2 focuses on teaching practices.

The workshop time commitment will be about 4 hours total: 2 Zoom meetings (1.5 hours each) and reflection activities (.25 - .5 hours weekly) between the Zoom sessions.


Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning


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