Goal Area 7: Human Diversity

Students will be able to:

  • understand the development of and the changing meanings of group identities in the United States’ history and cultures;
  • demonstrate an awareness of the individual and institutional dynamics of unequal power relations between groups in contemporary society;
  • analyze and evaluate their own attitudes, behaviors, concepts, and beliefs regarding diversity, racism, and bigotry;
  • describe and discuss the experience and contributions (political, social, economic, artistic, humanistic, etc.) of the many groups that shape American society and culture, in particular those groups which have suffered discrimination and exclusion;
  • demonstrate communication skills necessary for living and working effectively in a society with great population diversity.
AIS 101 Introduction to American Indian Studies 3
AIS 102 The Story of American Indian Country to 1900 4
AIS 210 Oral Traditions 3
AIS 210W Oral Traditions 3
AIS 220W Introduction to Tribal Sovereignty 3
AIS 230W American Indians of Minnesota 3
AIS 240 American Indian Women 3
AIS 240W American Indian Women 3
ANTH 280 Engaged Anthropology: Service Learning 3
ART 225 Developing Creativity: Approaches and Techniques 3
CDIS 290 Introduction to Communication Disorders 3
CMST 203 Intercultural Communication 4
EEC 222W Human Relations in a Multicultural Society 3
ENG 211W Perspectives in Literature and Human Diversity 4
ETHN 100 American Racial Minorities 3
ETHN 101 Introduction to Multicultural & Ethnic Studies 3
ETHN 150 Multi-Cultural/Ethnic Experience 3
ETHN 200 Interracial/Interethnic Dating/Marriage 3
ETHN 201W Perspectives on African Americans 3
ETHN 202W Perspectives on American Indians in Ethnic Studies 3
ETHN 203W Perspectives on Asian Americans 3
ETHN 204W Perspectives on Latinos/Hispanics 3
GERO 200 Family Dynamics of Aging 3
GERO 200W Family Dynamics of Aging 4
GWS 110 Introduction to Gender 4
GWS 110W Introduction to Gender 4
GWS 225 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies 4
GWS 225W Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies 4
GWS 251 Coming of Age: Gender and Culture 4
GWS 251W Coming of Age: Gender and Culture 4
HIST 155 History of the Family in America 3
HIST 190 United States to 1877 4
HIST 190W United States to 1877 4
HIST 191 United States Since 1877 4
HIST 191W United States Since 1877 4
HLTH 211 Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity 3
HUM 281W Human Diversity and Humanities Traditions 4
KSP 220W Human Relations in a Multicultural Society 3
KSP 251 Coming of Age: Gender and Culture 3
KSP 260 Creating Global Awareness through Studying Abroad 3
MASS 260 Principles of Visual Mass Media 4
MUS 125 Pop Music USA: Jazz to Country to Blues 3
MUS 126 Pop Music USA: R & B to MTV 3
PHIL 115W Philosophy of Race, Class and Gender 3
REHB 110W Sensitivity to Disability 3
SOC 150 Social Problems 3
SOC 208 Courtship, Marriage & Family 3
SOC 209 Sociology of Human Sexualities 3
THEA 285W Theatre of Diversity 3