Advanced Placement Transfer Course Information

The number enclosed in parentheses following each discipline or specific test indicates the maximum semester hour of credit allowed for that discipline or test. Please refer to the General Education Graduation Requirements for additional information on how GE credit applies.


AP Course Score Minnesota State University, Mankato Course Goal Area(s) Total Credit Awarded
History of Art 3 ART 160 Intro to Visual Culture GE-6, GE-8 3
  4 ART 160, 260 Art Hist Survey I GE-6, GE-8 6
  5 ART 160, 260, 261 Survey I & II GE-6, GE-8 9
Art, 2-D Design 3, 4, 5 ART 100 Elements and Principles of Art GE-6 3
Art, 3-D Design 3, 4, 5 ART 103 Three-Dimensional Design   3
Art, Drawing 3, 4, 5 ART 110 Drawing Foundations   3
Computer Science
Computer Science A 3 CIS 115 Big Ideas of Computer Science GE-4 4
  4, 5 CIS 121 Introduction to Programming   4
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, 5 CS 115 Big Ideas of Computer Science GE-4 4
Economics-Macroecon 3, 4, 5 ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics GE-5 3
Economics-Microecon 3, 4, 5 ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics GE-5 3
Seminar 3 ENG 195   4
  4,5 ENG 195 & COMM 195   8
Research 4,5 ENG 195 & COMM 195   8
English Lang. and Comp 3 ENG 215 Topics in Literature GE-6 4
  4, 5 ENG 215 and ENG 101 GE-6, GE-1A 8
English Lit. and Comp 3 ENG 110 Intro to Literature GE-6 4
  4, 5 ENG 101 Composition and ENG 110 Intro to Literature GE-6, GE-1A 8
Human Geography 3, 4, 5 GEOG 103 Intro to Cultural Geography GE-5, GE-8 3
History-European 3, 4, 5 HIST 181 Euro Hist: 1648 to the present GE-5, GE-9 4
History-United States 3 HIST 190 US Hist to 1877 GE-5, GE-7 4
  4, 5 HIST 190, 191 US Since 1877 GE-5, GE-7 8
History-World 3, 4, 5 HIST 171 World Civilization 1500 to Present GE-5, GE-8 4
African American Studies 3, 4, 5 ETHN 201W Perspectives on African Americans GE-5, GE-7, Writing Intensive 3
Chinese Language 3, 4, 5 CHIN 101 and 102 GE-6, GE-8 10
French Language 3, 4, 5 FREN 101, 102 Elem French I & II GE-8 10
German Language 3, 4, 5 GER 101, 102 Elem German I & II GE-8 8
Spanish Language 3, 4, 5 SPAN 101, 102 Elem Spanish I & II GE-6, GE-8 8
Spanish Language and Culture 3, 4, 5 SPAN 365   4
Music Theory 3, 4, 5 MUSC 111   2
Political Science
Government and Politics: Comparative 3 POL 100 Intro to Politics GE-5 3
  4, 5 POL 100, 241 Intro to Comp Politics GE-5 6
Government and Politics: United States 3 POL 100 Intro to Politics GE-5 3
  4, 5 POL 100, 111 United States Government GE-5. GE-9 6
Psychology 3, 4, 5 PSYC 101 Psychology GE-5 4
Biology 3 BIOL 100 Our Natural World GE-3, GE-8 4
  4, 5 BIOL 100, 105 General Biology I GE-3, GE-8 8
Environmental Science 3, 4, 5 ENVR 101 Persp in Envr Science GE-8, GE-10 4
Chemistry 3 CHEM 100 Chem in Society GE-3 4
  4 CHEM 201 Gen Chemistry I GE-2, GE-3 5
  5 CHEM 201 & 202 Gen Chem I & II GE-2, GE-3 10
Mathematics - Precalculus 3, 4, 5 MATH 115 Precalculus Mathematics 4
Mathematics-Calculus AB 3, 4, 5 MATH 121 Calculus I GE-4 4
Mathematics-Calculus BC 3, 4 MATH 121 Calculus I GE-4 4
  4, 5 MATH 121, 122 Calculus I & II GE-4 8
Physics 1 3 PHYS 101 Intro to Physics GE-3 3
  4, 5 PHYS 211 Prin of Physics I GE-2, GE-3 4
Physics 2 3 PHYS 101 Intro to Physics GE-3 3
  4, 5 PHYS 212 Principles of Physics II   4
Physics C-Mechanics PHYS 101 Introductory Physics GE-3 3
  4, 5 PHYS 221 General Physics I GE-2, GE-3 4
Physics C-Electricity and Magnetism 3 PHYS 101 Introductory Physics GE-3 3
  4, 5 PHYS 222 & PHYS 232 General Physics II/ General Physics II Laboratory   4
Statistics 3, 4, 5 STAT 154 Elementary Statistics GE-2, GE-4 4

Often Advanced Placement (AP Scores) are not reported until mid-summer. As a result, you may not know your exact score when attending your Advising and Registration session. In that case, you’ll work with an advising professional to determine course selection and adjust as needed once AP Scores have been reported.

To request AP Scores be sent to Minnesota State University, Mankato use or mail official scores to:

Office of Admissions
122 Taylor Center
Mankato MN 56001