Project Lead The Way

Project Lead The Way Course Credit Application

Those who qualify for this program are students from a secondary school who have completed Project Lead the Way courses. Those students have also been accepted to Minnesota State University, Mankato and intend to enroll* in classes the following academic year. (*Other credit options are available for students who will not be attending Minnesota State Mankato.)

How the Program Works

Secondary school students who have successfully completed the PLTW course(s) listed in the table below may be granted credit(s) for each applicable Minnesota State University, Mankato course, with the following conditions:

  • Students must earn a grade B or better.
  • Students must provide an official high school transcript of grades for PLTW courses.
  • PLTW courses must have been completed at a certified PLTW school.
Project Lead The Way Course Minnesota State Mankato Course
Digital Electronics EE 100 (1) - Explorations in Engineering
Introduction to Engineering Design ME 100 (1) - Explorations in Engineering
Principles of Biomedical Science ME 100 (1) - Explorations in Engineering
Principles of Engineering CIVE 100 (1) - Explorations in Engineering

Project Lead The Way Course Sequence Minnesota State Mankato Course Credit
PLTW Sequence (must take all 3):
  • Digital Electronics
  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Principles of Engineering
Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering Technology Course Credit (Choose one):
  • EE 106 (3) - Introduction to Electrical / Computer Engineering I
  • EET 141 (4) - Integrated Computer Technology I
PLTW Sequence (must take all 3):
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Principles of Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering Technology Course Credit:
  • MET 144 (3) - Product Development and Design
PLTW Sequence (must take all 3):
  • Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Principles of Engineering
Civil Engineering Course Credit:
  • CIVE 145 (2) - CAD for Civil Engineering

How to Apply For Project Lead The Way Course Credit

  1. Download and print the PLTW Course Credit Application PDF form and deposit slip attached.
  2. You will then want to submit the completed form, along with your high school transcript to:
  3. Once the form is received, an email confirmation will be sent your way along with the instructions on how to submit your payment for the credits being applied to your Minnesota State University, Mankato Courses.
    • Note: there is a registration fee of $100 per university credit.
  4. Upon approval of the course credit application form, the student will receive a grade of P (Pass) on the Minnesota State University, Mankato transcript.

For additional information, please contact Minnesota State Mankato:

Dr. Aaron Budge, Professor of Civil Engineering