Record Setting Palindrome Pledge Drive!

2024 Spring Drive is the largest in KMSU history!

May 11, 2024 |

Image showing the record setting drive total of $53735, which is a plaindrome

WOW! The 2024 Spring Pledge Drive was one for the record books! Not only did KMSU beat its goal, but our listeners pushed the drive to a record breaking total. Even more incredible is the fact that THE GRAND TOTAL IS A PALINDROME.

Everything about this drive has been extraordinary. Radio Heroes started pledging the second the phones were open and they never let up. Matching grants were met and surpassed from day one, and that never let up through the sleep deprived finale. Thank you, everyone, for all that you've done for KMSU and the community. Your generosity never ceases to amaze us!

Expect to hear lots of on air thank you's in the weeks to come, because we can't say it enough. We'll begin going through the pledges and ordering swag soon, so please be patient with us. It takes a little time to get everything together, but you'll have super fun swag in your mailboxes soon.

Thank you for all that you do! Together we make great radio.

Your pals @ 89.7 the Maverick
