Office Directory

Criminal Justice

Thor Dahle

Criminal Justice | Faculty

Address: 109 Morris Hall
Office: MH 109
Phone: 507-389-6930

Jeffery Dennis

Criminal Justice | Faculty

Address: 0222D Morris Hall
Office: MH 0222D
Phone: 507-389-2745

Matthew Loeslie

Criminal Justice | Faculty

Address: 0204C Morris Hall
Office: MH 0204C
Phone: 507-389-6933

Jessica Mclaughlin

Criminal Justice | Director of Corrections Field Education

Address: 113 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 113
Phone: 507-389-5601

Jonathan Moore

Criminal Justice | Academic Advisor|Adjunct

Address: 126 Morris Hall
Office: MH 126
Phone: 507-389-1306

Pat Nelson

Criminal Justice | Chairperson

Address: 109 Morris Hall
Office: MH 109C
Phone: 507-389-1207

John Reed

Criminal Justice | Faculty

Address: 109 Morris Hall
Office: MH 109
Phone: 507-389-2721

Pedro Thomas

Criminal Justice | Faculty

Address: 113 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 113E
Phone: 507-389-2190

Sherrise Truesdale

Criminal Justice | Faculty

Address: 113 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 113P
Phone: 507-389-1868

TJ Vaughan

Criminal Justice | Faculty

Address: 113 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 113
Phone: 507-389-5602

Tamara Wilkins

Criminal Justice | Faculty

Address: 109 Morris Hall
Office: MH 109
Phone: 507-389-1118

CRM Services

Michael Anderson

CRM Services | Customer Relationship Management Administrator

Address: 3010 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3010
Phone: 507-389-6654

Kyle Snay

CRM Services | Customer Relationship Management

Address: 3022 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3022
Phone: 507-389-5063

CSET Associate Dean

Aaron Budge

CSET Associate Dean | Associate Dean|Faculty

Address: 131 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 148
Phone: 507-389-1416

CSET Office of the Dean

Kim Dirks

CSET Office of the Dean | Administrative Assistant to the Dean

Address: 131 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 131
Phone: 507-389-6205

Emily Frederick

CSET Office of the Dean | Director of Communications & Events

Address: 131 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 131
Phone: 507-389-1152

Joann Jaqua

CSET Office of the Dean | DB & Grant Admin & Customer Relations Manager

Address: 131 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 131
Phone: 507-389-1257

CSET Operations

Kate VanErdewyk

CSET Operations | Director of College Operations

Address: 132 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 131
Phone: 507-389-6596

Melissa Weske

CSET Operations | Administrative Assistant

Address: 218 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 218
Phone: 507-389-2744

CSU Operations

James Ball

CSU Operations | CSU Assoc Director of Operations

Address: 220 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 220
Phone: 507-389-5890

Trevor Braget

CSU Operations | Program Coordinator, Student Union Game Room

Address: 220 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 220
Phone: 507-389-1221

Ctr for Educator Pships and Stdnt Supprt

Caroline Clause

Ctr for Educator Pships and Stdnt Supprt | Adjunct

Address: 314 Clinical Sciences Building
Office: CSB 314
Phone: 507-389-1414

Ashley Niss

Ctr for Educator Pships and Stdnt Supprt | Marketing & Events Coordinator|Maverick Innovation Gateway Project Coordinator

Address: 150 Morris Hall
Office: MH 150
Phone: 507-389-1018

Teri Preisler

Ctr for Educator Pships and Stdnt Supprt | Acting Director of CEPSS|Faculty

Address: 117 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 117
Phone: 507-389-1495

Jill Ryan

Ctr for Educator Pships and Stdnt Supprt | Admin Asst

Address: 115 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 115
Phone: 507-389-1217