Faculty Partners

Thank you for serving as a faculty partner! Concurrent enrollment does not exist without your willingness to serve in your role.

This page will direct you to resources and best practices when working with your instructors. Some of the links will take you to sites outside of the university. Many of the links will take you to the Microsoft Teams site. If you are having trouble accessing the site, please reach out to the PSEO Office for assistance.

Benefits of Being A Faculty Partner

  • Build relationships with high school instructors and their students
  • Credits generated through concurrent enrollment count as credits generated through your department
  • Additional duty day compensation for working with instructors, mentoring, and aligning courses
  • Additional revenue shared with participating academic departments
  • Potential for additional enrollment in graduate programs
  • Faculty partners and instructors share content to improve the classroom experience for both CE students and campus students. You will share your discipline expertise, they will share their pedagogy expertise.

NACEP Standards

This section will provide basic information about the NACEP standards that rely directly on faculty partners. For more detail, please review our faculty handbook. In the Faculty Resource section, you'll find resources that we've developed to help guide you in your work with your instructors.

Faculty Standards

Faculty Standard 2: Faculty partners at the university provide all new instructors with course-specific training in course philosophy, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment prior to the instructor teaching the course.

Faculty Standard 3: Concurrent enrollment instructors participate in university provided annual discipline-specific professional development and ongoing collegial interaction to further enhance instructors' pedagogy and breadth of knowledge in the discipline.

Assessment Standards

Assessment Standard: The university ensures concurrent enrollment student's proficiency of learning outcomes is measured using comparable grading standards and assessment methods to on campus sections.

Curriculum Standards

Curriculum Standard 2: The university ensures the concurrent enrollment courses reflect the learning objectives, and the pedagogical, theoretical and philosophical orientation of the respective discipline.

Curriculum Standard 3: Faculty conduct site visits to observe course content and delivery, student discourse and rapport to ensure the courses offered through the concurrent enrollment program are equivalent to the courses offered on campus.

Faculty Resources

This section will provide you with resources and best practices as you work with your instructors. You'll find links to common forms along with guides and briefs from professionals in the concurrent enrollment world.

New Instructor Course Specific Training (f2)

Onboarding new instructors is central to this standard. An effective training will provide the instructor with the shell of the course they are preparing to teach and a foundation for student learning and achievement. The PSEO Office is able to provide support to faculty in building these trainings. A strong training will include course learning outcomes, sample assessments, syllabi samples, and textbook options. The training should acquaint the instructor with course philosophy, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessments as well as strategies to teach the course that mirror those used in on-campus sections. This is not to say that the instructor must mirror the teaching style on campus, in fact, in many cases CE courses are smaller than the courses offered on campus. Teaching a group of 30 students the same as a lecture auditorium of 300+ is not required. This training should help instructors understand the rigor and pace of the course.

NACEP has a brief with much more information on developing trainings that will meet the standard.

New Instructor Orientation

Site Visit Best Practices (C3)

Site visits shouldn't just be a classroom observation, they should give you insight into student interaction and how closely that interaction mirrors what happens in your classes. Site visits are designed to help ensure and provide evidence of course alignment. They provide faculty partners with the opportunity to observe instructor lessons, student engagement, and pace/rigor of the course. While the site visit is a required piece of evidence for Curriculum Standard 3, faculty are encouraged to utilize the time with instructors and review course assessments, textbooks, and syllabi. Site visits are also great opportunities to learn about challenges instructors are having.

NACEP wrote a brief on classroom visits, its available in the Concurrent Enrollment Teams page or by following this link:

Classroom Visit Brief

*Site visits are not instructor evaluations. The site visit forms are used as evidence for NACEP's Curriculum Standard 3.


Site Visit Forms

In fall 2023, our site visit policy was updated to require one visit every three years for returning instructors. For new instructors, one in-person visit the first year or two virtual visits.

Its worth noting that when a veteran instructor teaches a new course for the first time, they are considered a new instructor, only for the new course.

Site Visit Form

Want More Information?

Still looking for more information? Check out our Faculty Handbook. This is a dynamic handbook that will be updated in real-time as our practices and policies change.

Faculty Handbook