If you want a true university experience, PSEO is the best option for you. With PSEO you will be taught by university faculty, engage with university students, have access to academic resources, and university advisors all while saving time and money toward your future four-year degree!  

Choose Courses That Fit Your Schedule

You are eligible for the majority of university courses, including online courses! University courses can be very flexible in the times they are offered, so you can register for courses that fit your schedule. To view our class schedule you can visit our Public E-Services page.

Register for Courses Without Paying Additional Fees

You can register for courses with required additional fees of up to $100, giving you access to equipment and resources that aren't always provided by other institutions.

Access Minnesota State Mankato's Student Support Resources

College can be tough, there are different expectations, rules, and challenges that you may not have encountered in high school. Sometimes you'll need help. We want to make sure you have all the tools our university has to support your academic journey and help ensure your success. As a PSEO student you'll have access to the same academic resources that tuition-paying students do! Common resources that are used by our students include academic advising, Center for Academic Success and MavPASS(supplemental instruction), and Accessibility Resources. If you are receiving additional supports at your high school you will need to work with our Accessibility Resources Office to transition your accommodations to campus.

View our student support resources

Get Involved

Your educational experience and personal development can't be complete just in the classroom. Getting involved in campus will help develop your Power Skills (leadership, motivation, active listening, curiosity, problem solving and coaching). While technical skills allow you to do the job, employers identify these skills as essential for employees to excel in their position. As a PSEO student you can get involved in any number of our clubs or organizations. Getting involved also connects you with student leaders, faculty, and staff. This network of peers and professionals can help you discover your passions and provide more clarity on your academic pursuits.

View available campus involvement activities