Social Studies Students Attend Summer Institutes and Conferences
Students from Minnesota State Univeristy, Mankato are the only students allowed to attend some of the most prestigious teacher conferences and institutes in the United States. With the global pandemic and Covid-19 safety measures in place this summer, the Social Studies students who were selected to attend summer institutes and conferences found themselves participating virtually or looking forward to future events to attend in person.
John Karl, Social Studies and History 
John Karl studying Social Studies and History at Minnesota State University, Mankato, attended the conference, The Bob and Marion Wilson Teacher Institute of Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, VA. While the conference was moved to online because of COVID-19, John still found this opportunity meaningful. He described his conference experience, “expanding my knowledge”. It gave him an opportunity to collaborate with teachers all around the US, and to explore engaging ways to bring History to life within the classroom. Originally from Belle Plaine, MN, John is given the opportunity to represent Minnesota State University, Mankato next year in Colonial Williamsburg.
Chad Korte, Social Studies and History 
Chad Korte studying Social Studies and History virtually attended Medal of Honor Legacy: Technology and the War on Terror hosted by the Freedoms Foundation. A week-long conference consisted of multiple guest speakers that ranged from professors at prestige universities to Medal of Honor recipient Leroy Petry. Chad enjoyed all of the presentations by excellent speakers with valuable information regarding the War on Terror, and he learned how technology plays such a role in the conflict. He plans to attend the conference again in the future.
Madison Morrissey, Social Studies 
Madison Morrissey, a senior majoring in Social Studies at Minnesota State University, Mankato participated in the graduate teacher program, Medal of Honor Legacy: World War II. Madison attended the sessions online for five days since the conference was held virtually. Based in Valley Forge, PA, the Freedoms Foundation provided numerous opportunities for participants to learn about WWII through online sessions. Madison had a chance to listen to Dwight Eisenhower’s grandson, David Eisenhower speaking about achievements of the US during WWII. She described her experience “resourceful”, talked about how the program met her interest in histories of wars in Pacific as well as the North African campaign.
Brett Neel, Social Studies and History 
Brett Neel, a senior majoring in Social Studies and History was selected to attend 2020 St. Louis Federal Reserve AP Economics Summer Institute and 2020 Fort Ticonderoga Teacher Institute. While both programs were moved to online due to COVID-19, his experiences participating in the programs were remarkable. While attending St. Louis Federal Reserve AP Economics Summer Institute virtually, Brett enjoyed learning new ways to better motivate and involve students to study economics. Fort Ticonderoga Teacher Institute also gave him a lot of opportunities to connect himself to other professionals across the US. Brett had a chance to attend session about the implementation of primary sources in classrooms by the institute’s lead teacher organizer. He will be attending another virtual conference sponsored by Fort Ticonderoga in the fall where they will exclusively discuss primary sources in the classrooms. In addition, he was invited to attend the 2021 Fort Ticonderoga Teacher Institute next summer.
Some students who were selected to attend but were not able to participate this year due to cancellations, but we congratulate them on the honor of being selected: