Spirit Month MavHunt
Friday, October 16, 2020
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Spirit Month MavHunt
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
MAV-Hunt - Spirit Month
Powered by Goosechase
What: In this virtual scavenger hunt, you will have the opportunity to complete challenges, explore campus, and celebrate campus pride throughout Spirit Month. Each challenge you complete will earn you points towards prizes.
How: Download the goosechase app
- Points Raffle:
- The more challenges you complete the more chances to win 10 large prizes
- Four (4) MAV Gear Packs
- Two (2) MAV Fall jackets
- Soda Stream Package
- Bag Set
- Appartment Essential Package
- Tech Pack (Roku, Ear Bugs, Bluetooth speaker)
- Every 100 points will be an entry to win a prize.
- The more challenges you complete the more chances to win 10 large prizes
- Highest points
- Top three team withs points will win a $100 gitcard
- Flash Challenges
- A variety of challenges throughout the week to win more prizes.
Team Up: Work with your friends and roommates to complete the challenge.*
To play:
- Download the free GooseChase app
- Enter Game Code: 5D8VPD
- Start completing challenges and earning points
Watch for New Challenges at these times:
You must complete challenges by 6:00pm on Sunday, October 18. The virtual prize drawing will be held on Sunday evening at 7:00 pm on the Homcomng Webpage
COVID-19 Guidelines
- Please stay 6 feet from your teammates at all times.
- Maintain 6 foot physical distance from others
- Wear a face covering while inside a building or when distancing cannot be maintained.
- Wash hand thoroughly or use hand sanitizer often
Sponsored by Student Activities.
*Should a team win, only one person can claim the prize. It is up to the team how to split the winnings.
Ella May
Ella May