Medallion Hunt Clue #5
Friday, October 30, 2020
8:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Medallion Hunt
Powered by Student Events Team
Clue #5 -
Tick, tock around the clock
but not exactly there.
Moving north close to the block
Balls rolling without a care.
What: Annual Medallion Hunt with prizes and coupons to the person who finds the medallion first.
How: Watch for clues online and on social media.
Visit Homecoming Facebook Page
- More Info TBD
Once the medallion is found, it will be announced in both locations. Please take the medallion to CSU 173.
- The medallion is NOT located in any buildings.
- The medallion is NOT located in any construction areas.
- The medallion is NOT located somewhere on campus that you couldn't normally get to.
- NO digging or climbing will be necessary to find the medallion.
- Open to Minnesota State University, Mankato students only.
- The medallion is not hidden in the Amos Owen Garden of American Indian Horticulture. Please do not dig in the garden.
COVID-19 Guidelines
- Please stay 6 feet from your teammates at all times.
- Maintain 6 foot physical distance from others
- Wear a face covering while inside a building or when distancing cannot be maintained.
- Wash hand thoroughly or use hand sanitizer often
Sponsored by Student Activities.
*Should a team win, only one person can claim the prize. It is up to the team how to split the winnings.
Ella May