Research Accomplishments

Research products experience significant increase in AY 2016/2017: we received over $700K in total! The trends of increase continue in AY 2017/2018.

Microfabrication Lab Received Fund

Our Microfabrication Lab (clean room) is the only Lab in the Minnesota State system that has the capability of fabricating and testing semiconductor integrated circuit chips.

EE Students Build Maverick Machine Marching Band Drum Lights

Senior Electrical Engineering students, Jeremy Sutherland, Troy Odegaard and Michael Valkos designed and built drum lights for the Maverick Machine Marching Band.

AGES Lab Summer Research in the Chippewa River Valley

Earlier this month, as part of the AGES Lab, Geography and Anthropology students operated a Geoprobe hydraulic coring unit to collect sediment samples from a sand dune-like landform that will be used for optical stimulated luminescence dating.

Big Ideas Challenge 2019 Winners

2019 was the fifth year for Big Ideas Challenge. It is run by the College of Business Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.“We had seven finalists present their ideas on stage this year.  That is more than we have ever done before and it was a big hit."

CM Student Named PCL's Student of the Year

CM Student, Juan Lopez, named PCL's 2017 US Student of the Year.

CM Program Hosts Guest Speaker Erryn Williams

Meet Dr. Leah Roue who worked with Erryn during her sabatical last year at Ryan Companies in Minneapolis, MN.

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