Student research supports updated University smoke-and-tobacco policies
Research conducted by students and faculty in the Department of Health Science showed that despite a no tobacco policy on the campus of Minnesota State University, Mankato, the amount of tobacco debris, such as cigarette butts, showed otherwise.Making final arrangements
Since mid-March, when COVID-19 upended health-care protocols, registered nurse and Minnesota State Mankato student Cy Schweiss has shifted to incorporating outside-the-box care for her patients and their family members.Quitting Time
Health experts say there’s no time like the present to quit vaping or using other tobacco products.Basic Life Support classes for health care professionals available
Basic Life Support (BLS) teaches the concepts of high-quality CPR, improvement of chest compression fraction, and high-performing team dynamics.Criminal Justice Workgroup Seeking Members
Minnesota State University, Mankato is conducting a review of its law enforcement, corrections and criminal justice programs, and the University is seeking approximately 20 people to serve on a workgroup that will identify areas in the programs that could potentially be revised or improved.Criminal Justice Program Review Community Listening Sessions
In response to community concerns and our ongoing commitment to professional program reviews, Minnesota State University, Mankato held four town hall listening sessions on our review of our current criminal justice programs.Upcoming Events
Jan 1
Jan 1
Unpacking English 101: What Students Learn about Writing & Information Literacy
Jan 1
Jan 1
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Feb. 17: Middle School and Senior High Regional Science and Engineering Fair
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