Quitting Time

Health experts say there’s no time like the present to quit vaping or using other tobacco products.

Basic Life Support classes for health care professionals available

Basic Life Support (BLS) teaches the concepts of high-quality CPR, improvement of chest compression fraction, and high-performing team dynamics.
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The Return To Learn Interview Series

A series of interviews with University staff and students discussing the changing face of learning at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Recreation through a computer screen?

“One of the themes for later in the summer was going to be around the Olympics,” Carlson said. “I even had a Minnesota State University, Mankato alumni rugby player lined up to work with the kids. But none of that is happening now.”

Investigating the pandemic in real time

Investigating the pandemic in real time with Mary Kramer, Ph.D., MPH, MCHES, CWC, assistant professor, Department of Health Science and communications chair, Minnesota Society for Public Health Membership (MN-SOPHE).

Community health education alum share how COVID-19 has changed their work

With degrees focused on promoting health, preventing disease and improving the quality of life through education, Minnesota State Mankato’s Department of Health Science graduates are finding their roles changing because of COVID-19.

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