Taylor Nursing Institute welcome students from Austria

Minnesota State Mankato welcomed four nursing students from Austria who shared their global insight with Mankato nursing students while gaining a deeper understanding of family and societal nursing.
a group of people posing for a photo

Missouri Mule: Speech & Debate Team Results

The weekend of October 6th-7th, the Minnesota State University Speech & Debate team participated in a speech and debate tournament hosted by the University of Central Missouri.
a cartoon of a werewolf and a person


Take a look at some of the amazing swag we have available when you pledge during our Fall Pledge Drive!

Getting out there: Athletic Trainers make all the difference in getting players back on the field

Learn more about the MS in Athletic Training program at Minnesota State University, Mankato in this article from our student newspaper, the Reporter.

You Heard Correctly: Communication Sciences and Disorders professor on African American English

Danielle Scott, a speech-language pathologist and professor in Speech, Hearing and Rehabilitation Services at Minnesota State Mankato, shares her path on how Black people communicate and her research on the topic of African American English.

Nick Allen Scholarship: Supporting nursing students who aspire to work with people with special needs

The endowment makes it possible for the scholarship that Wendy and Sandy Allen had funded after to Nick’s death to continue supporting nursing students who want to work with people with special needs in perpetuity.

Sport Management major emerges as an esports star

Alysha Strunk, a Sport Management major at Minnesota State Mankato, has been accepted into the world's first professional all-women "Call of Duty" team.

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