Welcome to Accessibility Resources at Minnesota State University, Mankato. We coordinate accommodations for students with disabilities and serve as a resource for faculty, staff and the university community in an effort to assure equal access to learning for all.
General information on Accessibility Resources and beginning the accommodations process. Accommodations are available to any student with a documented disability.
MavAccess is the place for requesting accommodations and alternate format textbooks.
Accommodations for medical emergencies, illnesses lasting longer than two weeks, or temporary disabilities.
Adjustments for students who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Anyone on the Minnesota State University, Mankato campus can report a barrier, whether physical, online, or anywhere else. Use the following button or visit mnsu.edu/reportabarrier, fill out the form, and AR staff will follow up with you and relevant responders.
Visit this page to find information on accessibility in parking and transportation, including parking permits, bussing, and Minnesota State University, Mankato's Accessibility Map.
Accessibility Resources provides services for students and the general public who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf/Blind for university-sponsored courses, programs, meetings, and events.
ASL Interpreter and CART RequestsIt is imperative you know your rights and responsibilities. View this page for information pertaining to policies at the University and MinnState System level, ADA, and Section 504, and the discrimination complaint procedures as pertains to students with disabilities.
Rights, Responsibilities, and Discrimination Complaint Procedure
Visit the button below to donate to University scholarships today.
To donate specifically for Accessibility Resources scholarships: Under "Giving Opportunities", click "More Giving Options" and in the top-right corner search for Accessibility.
Previous Week Week of 3/23/2025 - 3/29/2025 Following week
Today: Opens at 8:00 am
August 26 | First Day of Fall 2024 |
August 30 | Last Day to Add/Drop Classes |
September 2 | No Classes - Labor Day |
November 27-29 | No Classes - Thanksgiving Break |
December 9-13 | Finals Week |
December 14 | Fall 2024 Graduation |
December 16 - January 10 | Winter Break |
Accessibility Resources
132 Memorial Library
Mankato, MN 56001
Phone: 507-389-2825
Email: ar@mnsu.edu
Fax: 507-389-1199
Information for new students, current students, and prospective students who are interested in receiving services from Accessibility Resources.
Description of commonly provided accommodations to students with disabilities.
Pages specific to support of faculty and staff as they work with and teach students with disabilities.
Contact the Accessibility Resources team.
MavAccess is our online accommodations system. Students can use it to apply for our services, request accommodations, and exam scheduling.
Helpful resources to assist in promoting accessibility in online courses, and upholding accommodations for students with disabilities. Students, faculty and staff will find these helpful.