Adaptive Technology

A variety of assistive technology is available for student use and is checked out at Accessibility Resources. The Office of Business Affairs will charge for unreturned materials.

  • Text to Speech Technology - Accessibility Resources has a web license for software (Read&Write and Equatio) that enables users to have text on their personal computer read to them as well as many other features.
  • Notetaking Software - Glean is a notetaking software that records audio during a lecture and is available to eligible students. It is a robust notetaking tool with many features. Students can upload presentations, audio record, and take notes on each slide.
    • Note: per University policy, students can only record lecture audio if included on an accommodation plan approved by Accessibility Resources and after signing an Audio Recording Agreement. Students who record without this explicit permission or agreement are subject to University Policy sanctions.
  • FM System - This device is available for students who are hard of hearing or have a central auditory processing disorder. It includes a microphone for the instructor and headphone speakers for the student.
  • Speech-to-Text Technology - Accessibility Resources has dictation software that allows students to dictate their coursework verbally and the computer types the dictation into text.

The ADA Workstation on the main floor of the Memorial Library has the following technology available: accessible computer station, JAWS, Kurzweil, Read&Write, Zoomtext, scanner, and an Optelec video magnifier. Call 507-389-5064 to obtain operating hours.

The KIC scanner in the library can be used to scan any book. It also has a companion app which will read the book aloud. See library staff for the location of the scanner and training on its use.

The Academic Computer Center (Wissink Hall 117) has the following technology available: accessible computer station, JAWS, Kurzweil. Call 507-389-5160 to obtain operating hours.