Student Fees

2024-2025 Total Fees:

$50.47 Per Credit (1-11), $608.08 Band (12-18)

Fee charges are set based on authority found in Minnesota Statutes. The Minnesota State Board of Trustees sets maximum fee rates on behalf of all of its state colleges and universities - Minnesota State Mankato fees are within these caps. Local consultation with the Student Association's Student Senate and its Student Allocations Committee results in the development of a plan for the use of these fees. The allocation and per credit hour rate plans endorsed by the Student Senate are submitted to the University President through the Vice President for Student Affairs. The University President makes the final decision on rates and allocations.

  Per Credit (1-11) Band (12-18)
Student Activity Fee
Sustainability Fee
Student Union Fee
State-Wide Student Government Fee
Technology Fee
Health Service Fee
Campus Recreation Facility Fee
Seasonal Sports Dome
Intercollegiate Athletics Fee

Student Activity Fee

A fee assessed to provide as broad and comprehensive a program as possible for the cultural, social, athletic, physical enhancement of students (i.e., campus intramural sports and recreationMusic ensembles, Reporterstudent leadership and developmentStudent SenateTheaterinternational student activities, etc.).

Student Activity Fee Information

Sustainability Fee

Following a decision of the MinnState System’s Board of Trustees, the Student Government’s Student Senate (October 2023) endorsed the creation of a “Sustainability Fee” which would be tasked to support a commitment to environmental sustainability as outlined in MinnState Board policy 5.17 and System procedure 5.11.1.  What in 2024-25 amounts to $1.44 per credit hour, the Sustainability Fee covers mass transit service for Minnesota State Mankato students and employees (464,062 rides in 2023-24) who present their MavCARD ID to bus drivers anywhere within Mankato and North Mankato, including the hilltop area near the University campus. 

Student support for this carbon reduction effort has resulted in less reliance on individual use of vehicles and is an objective that began with the “Green Transportation Fee,” which had been a part of the overall Student Activity Fee - the activity fee saw a reduction as a result of this transfer to a separate Sustainability Fee.  A Sustainability Fee Advisory Committee will annually review campus needs and determine what fee changes are needed, if any.  (This panel should not be confused with the established Campus Environmental Committee <Mavericks for Sustainability> which is budgeted separately and maintains its own priorities.)

Student Union Fee

A fee assessed to pay down debt service for the student unions planned renovations of which are funded through a public bonding program administered by Minnesota State. The fee, together with the student union's self generated revenues, covers such other costs as liability insurance, utilities, equipment and furniture replacement, and union staff salaries and supplies. 

Note: Minnesota state tax dollars or MSU tuition receipts are not used to support the construction or operation of the Student Union.

State-Wide Government Fee

Get involved with student government or be part of Students United (representing Minnesota State university students) and/or LeadMN (representing Minnesota State college students). 

Technology Fee

A fee assessed for acquisition upgrading and/or maintenance of technology for academic and student support activities. The fee revenue is used to provide or enhance student access to technology services such as the wireless networkMavDISKMavMAILAcademic Computer Centersatellite labsmyMSUMavPRINT, Distance learning support, Tech Rec, Memorial Library lab, IMS and technology devices in the classroom (i.e., projectors).

Health Services Fee

A fee assessed to provide medical care through physician assessment, treatment, and related support services (i.e., pharmacy, lab and referral). Health service fees also are used to provide prevention orientated health education programs, and counseling and support services to students with special needs (i.e., eating disorders, alcohol and other substance abuse). Health Services is located in the Carkoski Commons comlex.

Campus Recreation Facility Fee

A fee assessed to pay down debt service and operating/maintenance costs of an estimated $8.5 million for improvements to the outdoor recreation facilities/grounds. Campus Recreation website.

Seasonal Sports Dome

The Sports Dome is 1-1/2 soccer fields in size (or three small-sided fields) and includes baseball and softball batting cages and an attached support building with a check-in and lobby area, bathrooms and storage space.

The facility can accommodate a wide variety of sports, to include soccer, football, softball, baseball, lacrosse, ultimate Frisbee, rugby, cricket and more.

The facility is located on the Minnesota State Mankato campus at the intersection of Monks Avenue and Woodhaven Circle. Parking already exists, with University Lot 22 providing adjacent access to the facility. 

Minnesota State Mankato students voted to help finance the project’s construction cost by voting “yes” in a December 2018 referendum to an additional student fee of 83 cents per credit, capped at $10 per semester. The student fee contribution and University reserve funds will cover the overall cost of the project.

Intercollegiate Athletics Fee

A fee assessed to fund partial operational support for intercollegiate athletic programs, while providing currently enrolled students an opportunity to enjoy prepaid admission to regular season, home athletic events (other limited restrictions may apply).

 Student Fees Archive Chart

Student Activity Allotments and Operating Budgets