Learn more about the career resources we provide to current students and alumni! We have a variety of tools available to help you land the career that best suits you!
Make an appointment, come to QuickStop Drop in Hours or find out about the upcoming fairs and events and more.
Have questions about your future career choices? Check out the Career Assessments, Choosing & Changing Majors, and the Career Resource Library for help!
Resources for connecting online with other MNSU alumni as well as links to popular job search websites and remote opportunities.
Resources for graduate school, writing personal statements and admission essays, and graduate test preparation.
External resources for students with diverse identities to aid in your career development and success. Included are job boards, job and internship programs, and additional resources to aid in your job search process.
Even though you may be pursuing your Minnesota State University, Mankato education from a distance, the Minnesota State University Career Development Center wants to ensure that as many of our services as possible are available to you, just as though you were here on campus.
Guidance on how to Grab Your Future by the Horns from your Career Development Center.
Show off your coloring skills for a chance to win a pair of Apple AirPods.