Lenny Koupal, Communications Coordinator
Joining the CSU in 2010, Lenny oversees marketing, communications and promotions in the CSU and advances the CSU's "House of Serendipity" brand seeking to INVITE, INVOLVE and INSPIRE all students. He also supervises a "for students-by students" marketing communication team responsible for weekly calendar of events (CAN), student e-newsletter (inSIDER), ongoing Serendipitous Moments video series, CSU website management and graphic design services.
Education: Undergraduate: Journalism, South Dakota State University; Post Graduate: Graduate Studies in Mass Communication at University of South Dakota
Past Experiences: News reporter/photographer and editor for seven years; director of college relations for 13 years; hospital public information and publications coordinator for 4 years; marketing and business development coordinator for architectural services for 8 years.
"My top accomplishments since joining the CSU staff include creating and coordinating the BEST Board; establishing and advancing House of Serendipity brand; coordinating the rewrite of CSU Mission and Vision statements and creating INVITE, INVOLVE and INSPIRE as the foundation for CSU core values.”
"The most rewarding aspect of my work with students is helping students discover that 'ah-ha' moment."
“I like to spend my free time with my wife horse camping and trail riding.”
- Three words that best describe you. “Creative, empathetic, diplomatic”
- Three things that can always be found in your refrigerator. “Almond milk, eggs and V8.”
- Three people, living or dead, you would like to invite for dinner? Why? “Jesus, Albert Einstein, Mark Twain – what a night of stimulating and witty conversation.”
- What is something people would be surprised to know about you. “I appeared in over 50 theatre productions including Emcee in ‘Cabaret,’ Malcolm in ‘Full Monty,’ Scarecrow (twice) in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and Sister Amnesia in ‘Nunsense, Amen.’”
- What superpower would you like to have? Why? “More than mind-reading – I’d want the ability to occupy another being's reality, so I could consciously experience and understand their motivating thoughts, feelings and senses.”