Jane Kolars, Lead Scheduling Coordinator
| University Scheduling & Conference Services
Responsibilities: As the Lead Scheduling Coordinator for University Scheduling, Jane assists staff, students and private clients in scheduling campus venues and coordinates resources and staffing to effectuate meetings, conferences and other special events. She acts as a liaison between all campus stakeholders and serves as one of the campus EMS administrators.
Education: Bachelor's Degree from St. Cloud State University in Public Relations, Broadcast Media and Informational Media.
Past Experience: Career Experience In the Mankato area - News Reporter, Public Relations, Fundraising, Advertising Sales & Continuity, Event Planner, Freelance Writer
"My top accomplishments since joining the CSU staff include being instrumental In the Minn State effort to convert our scheduling systems to EMS and configuring EMS. I'm also proud of the excellent co-workers and student workers I've hired In the University Scheduling Office."
"The most rewarding aspect of my work with students is working with, getting to know and supporting our international student staff. Learning about their families and their culture."
“I like to spend my free time with my family, watching sports, reading, gardening and working in my yard, car trips and walking my dog."
- Three words that best describe you. "Mom/Grandma, Caring, Introvert"
- Three things that can always be found in your refrigerator. "Red Grapes, cheese, bacon"
- Name three people, living or dead, you would like to invite for dinner. "My mom, my dad and my sister. I miss them."
- What is something people would be surprised to know about you? "I started my career as a weekend weather anchor and political reporter at KEYC-TV
- What superpower would you like to have? Why? "Time travel."