Kaitlyn Bannwarth, Technical Services Graduate Assistant
Master's Degree Candidate
Hometown: Brandon, S.D.
Undergraduate Education: Bachelors Degree in Communication Studies, Minors in Marketing and Business Administration, Certification in American Sign Language at Minnesota State University, Mankato
Pursuing a Master’s Degree in: College of Student Affairs
Position Responsibilities:
• Providing technical support
• Maintaining and making sure all of the equipment is working
• Training and helping students
• Communicating with clients and other individuals I may come across
• Customer Service
• Administrative Duties
Past Experiences: "I was a part of the technical services team while I was in high school. I was able to work with the lights, sound, and so much more."
What you like about your CSU Staff or GA position:
"I enjoy working with everyone and being able to create a positive experience for everyone I work with."
“My top accomplishments since joining the CSU staff include...working with the Esports group as well as the International Festival and making sure that both events went well and both organizations were happy with the results."
“The most rewarding aspect of my work is...being able to see the results of an event that went well, and everyone is excited for the next event working with us."
"In my free time, I enjoy…being outdoors and spending time with my family and friends."
- Three words that best describe you: "Creative, Kind, Resourceful"
- Three things that can always be found in your refrigerator: "Coffee, Grapes, Cheese"
- Name three people, living or dead, you would like to invite for dinner: "Jennifer Lawrence, Robin Williams, Kevin Hart"
- What is something people would be surprised to know about you? "I am a skier!"
- What superpower would you like to have? Why? "Teleportation. So I can travel the world and see new places!"