Erin Jaquette, Building Operations Coordinator

Address: CSU 219
Phone: 507-389-5997

Hometown: La Crescent, Minnesota
Undergraduate Education: Business Management & Minor in Marketing
Position Responsibilities: Guide Operations team in event setups and takedowns within the CSU
Past Experiences: Maverick Bullpen Lead Feb. 2021 – Dec. 2023, HR/Marketing Intern at Schwickert’s Nov. 2022-Aug. 2023


What you like about your CSU Staff or GA position? "I like how I get to work with a variety of different people every day and enjoy the atmosphere of being on a college campus."

My top accomplishments since joining the CSU staff include: "Learning everyone’s name and how to pronounce them as well.  

The most rewarding aspect of my work is: ”Creating bonds with my staff members. "In my free time, I enjoy… working out and taking my dog on hikes."


  1. Three words that best describe you? "Self-motivated, organized, disciplined"
  2. Three things that can always be found in your refrigerator? "Fairlife Protein shakes, 2% milk, cheese."
  3. Name three people, living or dead, you would like to invite for dinner: "Anne Frank, Elon Musk, Miley Cyrus"
  4. What is something people would be surprised to know about you? "I bought myself a dog when I was 20." 
  5. What superpower would you like to have? Why? "Read minds, not only humans but animals as well because no one ever says how they feel anymore and I would find it comical to know what a dog is thinking (or any animal)." 
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