Bishal Patel, Graduate Advisor for Community Engagement

Master's Degree Candidate | Graduate Assistant

Address: CSU 173
Phone: 507-389-6076

Name: Bishal Patel
Birgunj, Nepal
Undergraduate Education: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pursuing a Master’s Degree in: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Position Responsibilities: As the Graduate Advisor for Community Engagement, I work with the Assistant Director, student workers, and members of Mavs in Action in furthering the Community Engagement Office mission while adhering to the University’s mission, vision, and core values. My areas of responsibility include undergraduate program planning and advising, risk management, leadership training, group dynamics, and promotion/marketing. I also assist Mavs in Action during regular meetings/leadership development as well as large campus-based events such as Free Farmers Markets, involvement fairs, and MLK Day of Service.

Past Experiences: I have worked as a Teaching Assistant for a math class of size 50 students. Also, I have worked as CSET Senator for Minnesota State Mankato. Academically I have worked for ITRON as a Staff Firmware Engineer where I was responsible for embedded designs.

What to you find appealing about your GA position: The part where I will get to work with the student activities that shape students to fit into the campus and get to know more people as well as faculties. Furthermore, the program development and events analysis is something I love about the role.


My dream job is: to work a decent technical engineering role to help shape the development of the industry. 

In my free time: I enjoy playing cricket, and soccer, watching movies, and mostly sleeping.


  1. Three words that best describe you? Friendly, respectful, and limitless.
  2. Three things that can always be found in your refrigerator? Meat, green chilies, and hot sauce.
  3. Name three people, living or dead, you would like to invite for dinner? My parents and siblings.
  4. What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I can cook.
  5. What superpower would you like to have? Why?  I would like to have the power to control time so I could sleep more.
Torch end