Most office visit fees range from $100-$250 for students using Student Health Services Medical Clinic. Student Health Services charges can be submitted to insurance or can billed to a student E-services account. Balances remaining after insurance payment will be posted to the student E-services.
Separate fees are charged for physical exams, annual exams, initial mental health appointments, laboratory tests, prescriptions, special supplies, and medical procedures.
Fees charged at Student Health Services are typically less than would be charged at off-campus medical facilities. Charges are kept as low as possible to make Student Health Services financially accessible for as many students as possible.
Students are responsible for any charges at Student Health Services.
Charges may be posted to your student account
Payment is expected within 30 days of when charges are posted to your account
Patients may receive an itemized bill upon request at the time of their appointment
Nonpayment of Student Health Services charges will result in registration/records holds and, if needed, professional collection
Student Health Services Pharmacy can bill to most insurance companies. Please bring your current pharmacy insurance card with you.
Patients may be charged for missing appointments without notifying Student Health Services. Charges can range from $20 - $40 and will be posted to the student account.