*Account registration is not required to start a machine or view machine status. However, using the app is the only way to receive a notification when your cycle is complete.
Turn on notifications to receive a text when your laundry is complete. Within the app, go to:
CSC Go is designed for smartphones. Tablets may show machine activity, but you will not be able to receive a notification via a tablet.
Lower Level of Preska Residence Community
Preska J/K/L, Julia Sears, McElroy H Hall, and each building at Stadium Heights.
Laundry rooms are located in each residence community. Residents of Crawford, McElroy, and Preska also have access to the All-Resident Laundry Room located in the lower level of Preska. It features soft seating, tables and chairs, and a television. Click below to find the laundry room for your residence community.
LOCATIONS CLOSECrawford | Lower level near the Crawford Lobby. |
Preska | All-Resident Laundry Room located lower level. All halls have a small laundry room on each floor. |
McElroy | Lower level near F Hall. McElroy H Hall also has a small laundry room on each floor. |
Julia Sears | Laundry is located on each floor. |
Stadium Heights | Laundry is located on the 3rd floor in all buildings, except for Building 705 (located on the 1st floor). |
Washers and dryers take approximately 45 minutes per load. Remove clothes promptly when the cycle ends to prevent wrinkles and to free up the machine for the next person.
Laundry Tips Close
Notify us if a machine is not working. To report a service issue,
During the year, property is turned in at the Front Desk of the community in which the property was found. Any personal items discovered in the residence halls after a student has terminated their contract or left the residence halls are discarded.
university security lost & found closeHE liquid laundry detergent is recommend for our machines. Vertical laundry baskets on wheels are frequently used by students.
Do NOT use 3-in-1 detergent softener sheets as they will damage the machine.
Click below to view how to use the washers and dryers.
how to use the laundry machines close