
Centennial Student Union Technology

The Student Union is constantly upgrading to allow the utilization of the latest innovations in technology. Contact University Scheduling and Conference Services to explore technology options for meetings and events.

CSU Technical Services

Ostrander Auditorium offers the latest in multimedia communication, perfect for professional entertainment or information delivery.

Ostrander Auditorium Specification Sheet.pdf

The Ballroom can be used as one large space or five separate spaces for concerts, speakers, banquets, wedding receptions, meetings, and cultural events. The Ballroom incorporates the latest in energy efficient lighting and walls that double as viewing screens for seventeen digital projectors.

Ballroom Specification Sheet.pdf 

Miscellaneous Meeting and Event Spaces
Additional meeting and event spaces offer multimedia, technology, and internet capabilities to meet needs from intimate to grand.

University Classroom Technology

Academic Technology Services offers solutions for using technology in classrooms.  Visit Academic Technology regarding equipment, technology, support, and answers to frequently asked questions.  Recognized Student Organizations need to attend Academic Technology Services training sessions prior to using classroom technology.

University Computer Lab Reservation Request

Information and Technology Services, the Registrar's Office and University Scheduling and Conference Services have partnered to streamline the computer lab reservation process for the campus community. To request use of computer labs for individual or short-term use, such as special trainings or orientation sessions, contact University Scheduling and Conference Services.

IT Solutions Video Live Productions

IT Solutions Video Live Productions supports the production, management, and distribution of high-quality media across the myriad learning environments on campus -- from the classroom to the learning that happens in co- and extra-curricular activities. MavTUBE is our campus version of YouTube -- it holds events from academics, athletics, student groups, colloquia series and a range of other arenas from the Minnesota State Mankato Community.

If you have questions regarding their services, please email

To find out more about IT Solutions Video Live Productions or MavTUBE, please Click here to check out the MavTUBE website.