Active Course List



A required course in all art major degree programs. Students plan and present art work in an exhibition. Can not be taken same semester as student teaching.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Capstone writing project. Advanced study and research required. Topic of the senior thesis determined jointly by the student and the faculty advisor. Required for art history specialization and art history major. A less expansive project is required for the art history minor.

Consent of advisor
Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Field experience in professional settings relating to the specialization: graphic design, museum or arts administration, etc. Pre: Jr. standing with consent of advisor and department chair.

Jr. standing with consent of advisor and department chair.
Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Advanced level pursuit of special projects of research on an independent basis. Requires contractual agreement in art office for registration.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications
Scandinavian Studies (BA) | Scandinavian Studies Minor

Advanced level graphic design and graphic communication problems. (F,S) Prerequisite: Art 401, Art 402 and Art 403 or consent

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Continued in-depth exploration of drawing techniques and concepts.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Introduction to art and architecture of Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic world, from the second to the fifteenth centuries. Examination of representative works of art and major styles of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic cultures, including the Romanesque and Gothic periods.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Historical survey of the representation of gender with comparison of the artistic efforts of males and females and examination of art used to present gender-based issues including homosexuality, feminism, censorship and pornography.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Art expression related to child growth, development and teaching strategies. Emphasis on two-dimensional projects. (Required for student teaching and certification.)

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Theory and practice of teaching mentally challenged, physically handicapped and other exceptionals.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

The characteristics and evaluation of junior and senior high art expression: the status, curricula and strategies of teaching. (Required for student teaching)

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Theoretical and practical aspects of administering arts organizations. Examines the management, budget, marketing and administration of arts programs and organizations in the postmodern era.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications
Museum Studies (GC)

First course in introductory graduate painting in oil and/or acrylics. May be taken by non-majors.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

An advanced course which emphasizes individual research in technical, aesthetic and conceptual considerations.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Introduction to the art and architecture of the ancient era in its historical and cultural frameworks. Examination of representative works of art and major styles of ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman cultures.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Origins and development of Northern and Italian Renaissance art and architecture as an expression of historical, cultural and religious issues.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Historical survey of art, architecture and urban planning in Europe and America from the late sixteenth to mid-nineteenth century: Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism and Romanticism.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

The study of art museum history, theory and practice, including ethics, collecting, and display. Alongside these studies, students will conceive and realize an exhibition in order to further develop knowledge of and experience in the field.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Historical survey of art, architecture and urban planning in Europe and America from the mid-nineteenth century to the present: Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, Op Art, Pop Art and Postmodern issues and trends.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Historical survey of art and architectural developments from Islam's origins through the twentieth century. Course focuses on contextualizing monuments, paintings, and other arts from various regions around the world.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Survey of Graphic Design, Industrial Design and Architecture from historical and theoretical perspectives. Design issues examined from formal and contextual point of view, using analysis strategies that consider style, composition, historical context, functional/propagandistic significance and communicative ability.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Historical survey of the art and architecture of China, India, Korea and Japan from pre-history to the 19th century.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Continued investigation of advanced print making techniques and concepts.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Expanding technical knowledge and visual awareness while building a portfolio in selected areas.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications

Investigation of developments in sacred and secular art and architecture in various regions of the world, exploring themes such as nation-building, modernization vs. tradition, post colonialism, among others, since the 19th century.

Areas of Interest:
Arts, Audio and Video, Technology, and Communications