Active Course List



PHYS 220 focuses on mathematical methods for introductory physics and problem solving skills framed in Newton's Laws at the introductory level. Specific topics include Vector Algebra and Trigonometry, Forces and Newtons Laws, and applications of Calculus to kinematics.The goal of the course is to provide students with supplemental preparation for a Calculus-Based Introductory Physics Course. Registration will require special permission.

Graduation Requirements:
Goal Area 2 - Critical Thinking | Goal Area 3 - Natural Sciences
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training

Designed for science and engineering students. Calculus-based physics. Covers elementary mechanics including kinematics, statics, equilibrium and dynamics of particles, work and energy, rotational motion, gravitation, and oscillation. Lecture and Laboratory. MATH 121 must be completed with a C or better prior to taking this course or must be taken concurrently. High school physics or PHYS 101 is also strongly encouraged. Fall, Spring

Graduation Requirements:
Goal Area 2 - Critical Thinking | Goal Area 3 - Natural Sciences
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Computer Science (BS) | Mechanical Engineering (BSME) | Physics (BS) | Physics Minor | Software Engineering (BS)

Designed for science and engineering students. Calculus-based physics. Covers electrical charge and field; magnetic field and its sources; current and resistance; simple DC and AC circuits; and electromagnetic induction. Lecture only. (Associated laboratory course is PHYS 232.) MATH 121 must be completed with a C or better prior to taking this course. MATH 122 must be completed before taking this course or taken concurrently. Fall, Spring

MATH 121 with a "C" or better; PHYS 221 with a "C" or better.
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Computer Engineering (BSEC) | Computer Science (BS) | Electrical Engineering (BSEE) | Mechanical Engineering (BSME) | Physics (BS) | Physics Minor | Software Engineering (BS)

Designed for science and engineering students. Calculus-based physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, mechanical and sound waves, geometrical optics, physical optics, and modern physics. Lecture only. (Associated laboratory course is PHYS 233.) Pre: MATH 121 with a Cor better; and PHYS 221 with a C or better. MATH 122 must be completed before taking this course or taken concurrently. Spring

MATH 121 with a "C" or better; and PHYS 221 with a "C" or better
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Astronomy Minor | Computer Engineering (BSEC) | Computer Science (BS) | Electrical Engineering (BSEE) | Mechanical Engineering (BSME) | Physics (BS) | Physics Minor | Software Engineering (BS)

Designed for science and engineering students. Laboratory course accompanying PHYS 222. Experiments involving electric and magnetic fields, electric potential, electric and magnetic forces, and simple circuits. Laboratory only. Prereq: PHYS 221 with a C or better; and PHYS 222 or concurrent. Fall, Spring

PHYS 221 with a "C" or better; and PHYS 222 or concurrent.
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Computer Engineering (BSEC) | Computer Science (BS) | Electrical Engineering (BSEE) | Mechanical Engineering (BSME) | Physics (BS) | Software Engineering (BS)

Designed for science and engineering students. Laboratory course accompanying PHYS 223. Experiments involving fluids, thermodynamics, mechanical waves, geometrical optics, and physical optics. Laboratory only. Prereq: PHYS 221 with a C or better; and PHYS 223 or concurrent. Spring

PHYS 221 with a "C" or better; and PHYS 223 or concurrent.
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Computer Science (BS) | Electrical Engineering (BSEE) | Mechanical Engineering (BSME) | Physics (BS) | Software Engineering (BS)

For prospective teachers in elementary schools. Topics include weather, weather forecasting and record keeping, simple machines, electricity, chemistry, sound, light, and others. May not count as a physics elective. Not available for P/N grading.

Areas of Interest:
Education and Training

Special Theory of Relativity. Quantum nature of waves and particles: photons, de Broglie wavelength of matter and wave packet description of particles, Bohr model of hydrogen. Schrodinger wave equation in one-dimension: energy quantization, potential barriers, simple harmonic oscillator. One-electron atoms. X-ray and optical excitation of multielectron atoms. Lecture and laboratory. Prereq: MATH 122; (PHYS 222 and concurrently with PHYS 223) or PHYS 212.

MATH 122; (PHYS 222 and concurrently with PHYS 223) or PHYS 212.
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS) | Physics Minor

Topics include the basics of molecular structure and spectra, classical and quantum statistical physics, solid state physics, nuclear physics,and particle physics. The lab component will teach the operation of various radiation detectors, and use them to study the interaction of radiation with matter.

PHYS 335
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS) | Physics Minor

Supervised experience as an instructional assistant. Must demonstrate ability in basic physics.

Areas of Interest:
Education and Training

This course bridges the gap between introductory physics and its application to the life and biomedical sciences. Topics include fluid flow, membrane transport, nerve conduction, imaging methods including MRI, CT, and nuclear imaging, radiotherapy, and health physics.

MATH 121, PHYS 212 or PHYS 222
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences (BS) Nuclear Medicine Technology | Physics (BS)

Rectilinear motion of a particle, general motion of a particle in three dimensions, Newtonian mechanics including harmonic oscillations, forced oscillations, central forces and orbital motion, collisions, noninertial reference systems, dynamics of a system particles, rigid body motion, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, normal coordinates.

PHYS 222 or PHYS 223; and MATH 321 or consent.
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS) | Physics Minor

Electrostatic fields, magnetostatic fields, steady currents, electromagnetic induction. Review of vector algebra.

MATH 223 and MATH 321 and PHYS 222
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS) | Physics Minor

Electromagnetic waves, propagation and radiation of waves, electrodynamics and relativity.

PHYS 223 and PHYS 447
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS)

Atoms in crystals, wave in crystals, thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice, free electron model, band theory of solids, semiconductors and PN junctions, magnetism, and superconductivity.

PHYS 335
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS)

Geometric optics, wave optics, properties of light and matter, optics of transformations, and quantum optics. Lecture and laboratory.

MATH 122 and PHYS 223
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS) | Physics Minor

A systematic development of foundations of quantum mechanics. Observables, operators, state functions, expectation values. Matrix formulation of eigenvalue problems. The hydrogen atom, electron spin, angular momentum, and perturbation theory.

PHYS 335, PHYS 441, MATH 247, MATH 321
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS)

Numerical solutions of physics problems and computer simulations of physical systems. Lecture and laboratory. Prereq: Familiarity with some programming language and PHYS 212 or 222, and MATH 122, or consent

CIS 121, MATH 122. Select one PHYS 222 or PHYS 223
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS) | Physics Minor

Fundamental principles of statistical physics, including theory of probability, kinetic theory of transport process, entropy, classical and quantum statistical ensembles, Bose and Fermi systems. Applications to thermodynamics and magnetic properties of solids.

MATH 321 and PHYS 223
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS) | Physics Minor

Experiments in modern physics, including solid-state physics and optics. Requires more independent work than introductory laboratories.

PHYS 336 or consent
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics Minor

Experiments in modern physics, including solid-state physics and optics. Requires more independent work than introductory laboratories.

PHYS 336 or consent
Graduation Requirements:
Writing Intensive
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS)

Current methods of teaching all physical sciences with emphasis on physics and chemistry. For students planning to teach at a middle school, secondary school, college, or a university. Prereq: One year of chemistry and one year of physics

one year of chemistry and one year of physics, or consent
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training

Students will attend research seminars presented by faculty in the department, or speakers from other institutions. Students also make and critique presentations made by themselves and other students. May be repeated for credit. Prereq: Completed at least two upper division physics courses. Spring

Completed at least two upper division physics courses.
Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS)


Areas of Interest:
Education and Training
Physics (BS)