Active Course List


Political Science

Elections in the United States at the federal, state and local levels. Election law, history, factors affecting elections, voting behavior, campaign finance, role of parties and groups, campaign strategy and tactics. Analysis of contemporary elections.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Political parties at United States, state, local levels. Cross-national comparisons. Decline and revival of parties. What parties do. Is the two party system the best? Are third parties the answer? Party organization. Voting behavior. Legislative, executive parties. Minnesota focus.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Politics impact on women: women's impact on politics and governance; primary focus on United States but some comparative considerations.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Gender and Women's Studies (BA) | Gender and Women's Studies (BS) | Gender and Women's Studies Minor | Public Policy Minor

Racial and ethnic minorities in U.S. politics. Public opinion on racial issues, minority representation, race (partisanship and voting behavior), and racial issues (affirmative action, school busing, immigration).

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
American Indigenous Studies (BA) | American Indigenous Studies (BS) | Public Policy Minor

Applications of psychological concepts to politics. Intergroup relations, stereotyping, political authoritarianism, presidential character and psychology, foreign policy decision-making, political tolerance, and mass violence and genocide.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

Course will explore the intersecting realms of media, entertainment, and politics. Students will explore how a convergence of social change, public policy shifts, and technology evolution have affected the three realms and facilitated greater intersections among them. Students will then analyze the overall impact these realms and their changes have had on our political lives.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration

This course explores topics in international relations beyond what is covered in the existing curriculum. Students study specialized topics of current importance in the field. Specific topics will change depending on the term and instructor. May be retaken with a change of topic.

POL 231
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations Minor

An advanced theoretical survey of the dynamics of politics and political change at the global level.

POL 231
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Ethnic Studies (BS) International Community and Human Services | International Relations Minor | Public Policy Minor

Study of the function and process of the United Nations and other international organizations.

POL 231
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations Minor | Public Policy Minor

This course is a general overview of US foreign policy institutions, processes, and politics. U.S. foreign policy is examined in historical, global and domestic contexts.

POL 231
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations Minor | Public Policy Minor

This course explores the interaction of the three complex contemporary political and socioeconomic phenomena: the continuing expansion of global capitalism, the rise of nationalism(s), and the new wave of democratization around the world. The following topics are covered and discussed in class, with references to specific country and regional examples, (1) the impact of international economic institutions and democratization, (2) new forms of political participation in emerging democracies, (3) cultural and ethnic determinants of democratization, (4) problems of economic inequality in new democracies, (5) social and gender issues of democratic transitions, and (6) the relationship between democratic expansion and world peace. Course format will be lecture, discussion, student presentations and occasional films.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor

Focusing on patterns, processes, and problems of international trade, monetary, technological, and investment relations, this course examines the roles played by key government organizations in managing conflict and cooperation among states.

POL 231
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations Minor | Public Policy Minor

This interdisciplinary proseminar focuses on conflict resolution in the international arena. We will discuss causes of conflict, examine approaches to the study of conflict resolution, and analyze the varieties of nonviolent strategies of conflict resolution, emphasizing third party mediation.

POL 231
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations Minor

An overview of the international relations of East Asia, the course examines cooperation and conflict among major powers in the area: China, Japan and the United States. Topics include Japan's pre-WWII expansionism, China's political transformation and North Korea's nuclear controversy. Fall, Spring

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations Minor

This course offers a cross-national perspective on the politics of social policy and the welfare state in industrialized parts of the world, including North and South America and different regions of Europe. It also explores distinct national patterns of public policy solutions to the common contemporary problems of social security, poverty, and health care by paying close attention to both domestic factors and the forces of globalization that work to constrain government decisions. This multidimensional approach is designed to enable students to better understand how politics work in different ways to produce collective or social choices.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor | Public Policy Minor | Scandinavian Studies (BA) | Scandinavian Studies Minor

This course explores topics in comparative politics beyond what is covered in the existing curriculum. Students study specialized topics of current importance in the field. Specific topics will change depending on the term and instructor. May be retaken with a change of topic.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor

This course focuses on the Russian political system in relation to domestic social and economic environments and also on the role of Russia as a global actor. It examines the post communist transformation in Russia and other former Soviet republics.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor

This course introduces students to the governments and politics of the South Asian countries. The historical and cultural context of politics are explored, as well as contemporary issues.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor

This class explores the dynamics that determine politics and effect change in the region. Using a comparative perspective for the major countries in the region, we examine such issues as Islam, nationalism, resources, regional conflicts, impact of the international system, and political development.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor | Middle Eastern Studies and Islamic World Minor

This course includes a detailed analysis of select countries and theoretical concerns in Latin American studies. Its general goal is to provide students with the knowledge of Latin American politics and societies in both regional and comparative contexts.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor | Latin American Studies Minor

Survey of the political processes, governmental institutions and policies of the countries of the Asian Pacific Rim, with special emphasis on China, Japan and the newly industrializing states of Southeast Asia.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor

This course is designed to acquaint undergraduate and graduate students with key concepts and issues in the study of African politics. The historical and cultural context of politics is explored, as well as topics of current importance in the field.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor

This course discusses government institutions, political developments, and policymaking structures of contemporary Europe, including the former communist countries of East/Central Europe and the Balkans. It will also cover the ongoing process of European integration (European Union) and democratization of the former Soviet bloc countries. Some of the topics covered will include: elections, party systems, federalism and devolution, ethnic and minority policy, social policy, economic reforms, gender and politics, and cross-Atlantic relations with the US.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor | Scandinavian Studies (BA) | Scandinavian Studies Minor

This course introduces students to key issues and concepts in the study of political and economic development. Both theoretical approaches and empirical data are presented. The course is also designed to enhance students' analytical and research skills.

POL 241
Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
International Relations (BA) | International Relations Minor

This course explores topics in public law beyond what is covered in the existing curriculum. Students study specialized topics of current importance in the field. Specific topics will change depending on the term and instructor. May be retaken with a change of topic.

Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Administration
Political Science (BS)