a group of people sitting at a table

KMSU Presents Green/Blue on December 6th!

KMSU presents Green/Blue and Soft Topics at the NaKato on Friday, December 6th!
a green and black text

They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants Day is Coming!

The annual 12 hour They Might Be Giants broadcast is on November 15th!

Becky Kunst Honored with Prime Officer Award

Becky Kunst, director of development for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, was honored at a recent Minnesota State University, Mankato Foundation Board luncheon as a Prime Officer by Blackbaud Corporation. This distinct honor puts Kunst in the top 5% of development officers nationally.

Professor Emeritus Steve Buechler to Speak at Sociologist of Minnesota Annual Meeting

Sociology Professor Emeritus Steve Buechler will present “Surviving Leukemia, Sustaining Self, Narrating Illness: An Autoethnography of Cancerland," a session on his journey through cancer treatment over the last three years at the Sociologists of Minnesota Annual Meeting.
a close up of a picture of a goat

Thank You, Radio Heroes!

Your generosity helped KMSU beat its 2019 Fall Pledge Drive goal!

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